Long-running tasks need to be delegated to workers. Celery is used to manage these.
Creates segmentations/annotations at the end of GPU worker task.
GPU worker¶
GPU support in docker-compose is very experimental, not working currently
- see docker-compose_gpu.yml
- docker-compose override gives errors, that's why one .yml file is needed
- NVIDIA driver still isn't visible then, waiting for stable support
Current workaround - expose rabbitMQ queue in docker-compose to host - run celery worker on host without virtualization
cd gpu_worker
# install environment for neuralnets celery worker
conda env update -f celery_all_environment.yaml
conda activate celery_neuralnets
# On Linux
# On Windows
set ROOT_DATA_FOLDER=X:/biosegment/data
start_worker.bat # On Windows
If force stopping the auto-reloading watchdog for workers (x2 Ctrl-C), some workers may linger. This will show up as warning when a new worker with the same name is started.
View all host celery workers
ps aux|grep 'celery worker'
Kill them all
ps auxww | grep 'celery worker' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9